The Religious Potential of the Child 6 To 12 by Sofia Cavalletti

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The Religious Potential of the Child: 6 to 12 Year Old by Sofia Cavalletti is the long-awaited continuation of The Religious Potential of the Child (from 3 to 6 years old).


The Religious Potential of the Child: 6 to 12 Year Old Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Publications by Sofia Cavalletti is the long-awaited continuation of The Religious Potential of the Child (from 3 to 6 years old). In The Religious Potential of the Child: 6 to 12 Year Old by Sofia Cavalletti the author draws on her long experience with children from diverse cultures and environments to describe the vital religious needs of the older child (6 to 12 years old). The theme of the covenant between God and humankind, first revealed to Israel, is expanded to include all of history, from creation to the Parousia, the second coming of Christ. The Religious Potential of the Child: 6 to 12 Year Old by Sofia Cavalletti will be a great help to educators and catechists seeking to understand the characteristics of the older child, particularly the child's relationship with the mystery of God.