KBrand Polished Brass Paschal Candle Holder 44" high 10.5" base 14-K485


KBrand Ecclesiastical Brass Highly Polished Paschal Candle Holder is 44" high with a 10.5" base and 1-15/16" candle socket 14-K485 FREE SHIPPING

KBrand Ecclesiastical Brass Highly Polished Paschal Candle Holder is 44" high with a 10.5" base and 1-15/16" candle socket 14-K485 

Candle Holder has 1–15/16” socket. Paschal Candle sold separately - see some of our selections below.  You can see our complete Paschal Candle selection under Candles: Church Use category.

Ecclesiastical Brass is Highly Polished & Clear Lacquered.

K Brand Manufacturers and Importers of Fine Church Goods has been in business since 1919.


KBrand Brass Paschal Candle Holder 44" high 10.5" base 14-K485