11" Crucifixes & Crosses

11" Crucifixes & Crosses that can be hung on a wall or cord. Desktop Crosses or Standing Crosses.

"What has the Cross given to those who have gazed upon it and to those who have touched it? What has the Cross left in each one of us? You see, it gives us a treasure that no one else can give: the certainty of the faithful love which God has for us. A love so great that it enters into our sin and forgives it, enters into our suffering and gives us the strength to bear it.

It is a love which enters into death to conquer it and to save us."

--Address, World Youth Day, Way of the Cross, July 26, 2013 Pope Francis

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This personalized cross makes a special gift, perfect for baptisms, confirmations and weddings. You can change the verse and/or name
This personalized cross makes an elegant, bold statement of your faith in your home.
GTL 10 Piece Inductive Bible Study Pen/Pencil Set - 31010
This personalized cross makes an elegant, bold statement of your faith in your home.
This personalized cross makes a special gift, perfect for baptisms, confirmations and weddings.
This personalized cross makes a special gift, perfect for baptisms, confirmations, and weddings.
Hand-painted cold cast bronze Crucifixion Masterpiece from the Veronese Series stands 11" high. FREE SHIPPING
John 3:16 Wall Cross 11 Inch 71-WCR-106DA
This fine Maple hardwood Crucifix is 11" with an Italian silverplated Salerni Corpus. 17/536 11" Maple Crucifix QUANTITY PRICING
This fine Rosewood Crucifix is 11" with an Italian Salerni corpora. 1752G 11" Rosewood Crucifix QUANTITY DISCOUNTS
Solid Rosewood 11" Crucifix with a Salerni Corpora and scrolled designs on each end. 1752H 11" Rosewood Crucifix
Rustic Nail Cross 11 Inch 71-MWC314
The Walnut Crucifix is a beautiful 11" crucifix with the Salerni corpus. This crucifix is made in America and comes in a beautiful gift box QUANTITY PRICING
Walnut 11" Crucifix with an Italian Salerni Corpora 1751F QUANTITY PRICING

Mosack's has a wider variety in stock, ready for you! While we keep adding more product to our ever-growing site, please contact us for availability of other Crosses & Crucifixes. We look forward to serving you!

Email us at info@mosacks.com

Call us at 440-525-5551

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