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6" Crucifixes & Crosses

6" Crucifixes & Crosses that can be hung on a wall. Desktop Crosses or Standing Crosses.

"What has the Cross given to those who have gazed upon it and to those who have touched it? What has the Cross left in each one of us? You see, it gives us a treasure that no one else can give: the certainty of the faithful love which God has for us. A love so great that it enters into our sin and forgives it, enters into our suffering and gives us the strength to bear it.

It is a love which enters into death to conquer it and to save us."

--Address, World Youth Day, Way of the Cross, July 26, 2013 Pope Francis

Crosses and Crucifixes - Different styles for a cross in every room to remind us of Christ’s love for us!

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AVAILABLE IN LATE JULY, 2024 - This "God Created Everything" Wall Cross is perfect for the little one in your life. Featuring the "God Created Everything" Verse, this 7” high cross has plenty of cute animals that are sure to brighten any room.
7" Fontanini Crucifix 0283 by Roman. Quantity Pricing
Brown and Tan 6 Inch Plastic Crucifix with Sunburst 185-763, is an inexpensive, plastic crucifix that is 6" and that can hang on a wall QUANTITY PRICING
Brown and Tan 6 Inch Sunburst Plastic Crucifix with Base 185-763B, is an inexpensive, plastic crucifix that is 6 inches and that has a base QUANTITY PRICING
Crucifix 6" Brown and Luminous Crucifix with Holy Water Font 185-2102LC, is a plastic inexpensive holy water fount that is luminous QUANTITY PRICING
6" Crucifix with Holy Water Font in Brown and Tan 185-2102, is a plastic inexpensive holy water font QUANTITY PRICING
Engravable Tile Cross
"Sweet Dreams" Wall Cross-62124 This "Sweet Dreams" Wall Cross is perfect for the little one in your life. This 7” high wall cross features the ‘Sweet Dreams’ prayer
7" White Pearlized Crucifix 12-50P-7WP Gift Boxed QUANTITY PRICING
Blue and White 6 Inch Sunburst Crucifix 185-763BW is an inexpensive plastic crucifix that is 6" and can hang on a wall QUANTITY PRICING
Blue and White 6" Sunburst Plastic Crucifix with Base 185-763BW-B, is an inexpensive, plastic crucifix that is 6" and has a base QUANTITY PRICING
Brown and Luminous 6" Crucifix 185-763LC, is an inexpensive, plastic crucifix that is 6 inches and that can hang on a wall QUANTITY PRICING
Brown and Tan 6 Inch Sunburst Plastic Crucifix with Base 185-763LCB, is an inexpensive, plastic crucifix that is 6 inches and that has a base QUANTITY PRICING
Communion Chalice 6" Pewter Cross 2095-695
7" Natural Maple Crucifix with Antique Gold Corpus -JC10015K is a wall crucifix.
7" Dark Cherry Wall Cross with Antique Silver Plated Corpus QUANTITY PRICING

Mosack's has a wider variety in stock, ready for you! While we keep adding more product to our ever-growing site, please contact us for availability of other Crosses & Crucifixes. We look forward to serving you!

Email us at info@mosacks.com

Call us at 440-525-5551

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