RCIA Greeting Cards

RCIA Greeting Cards are Greeting Cards for those receiving the Rites of Christian Initiation. MOSACK'S has a wider selection of RCIA Greeting Cards in stock.

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A Holy Celebration - RCIA Greeting Card - CA50082 Inside Message: Bless you as you deepen your relationship wtih Jesus...
As You Are Called To The Sacraments Of Initiation Greeting Card -WCA5186 RCIA Greeting Card Inside Message: Congratulations on being chosen to receive the sacraments of entry into the Church. May Christ himself be your way, your truth and your life.
As You Begin Your Journey Toward Entrance Into The Church Greeting Card -WCB1411 an RCIA Greeting Card Inside Message Welcome to the Family of Faith May the new life of the Spirit grow in you, today and always Blessings and prayers.
As You Receive The Sacraments Of Initiation Greeting Card -CA50083 Inside Message: Congratulations on joining in full communion with the Catholic Church. Bless you.
Baptism Confirmation Eucharist Greeting Card -WCA5144 Inside Message You have been brought to full stature in the Body of Christ. Welcome to the Family of Faith! An RCIA Full Initiation Greeting Card
Confirmed By The Holy Spirit And Nourished In The Eucharist Greeting Card -WCA8104 Inside Message on this RCIA Greeting Card: Congratulations as you come into the fullness of the Christian life. Welcome to the community of faith.
Confirmed in the Holy Spirit and Nourished in the Eucharist Card-87183 Inside Message Congratulations and God's Blessings on completing the Catechumenate and coming to the fullness of God's Blessings
Confirmed in the Holy Spirit and Nourished in the Eucharist Card-89048 Inside Message Sharing your joy and welcoming you into the family of God. Congratulations
Congratulations As You Receive The Sacraments Of Initiation Greeting Card -WCA5095 Inside Message All the Church shares your joy Be strengthened by our prayers for your new life in Christ.
Rejoice In The Lord As You Receive The Sacraments Of Initiation RCIA Greeting Card -CL1782 Inside Message Congratulations! And welcome into the communion of God's people.
Thank You For Being My Sponsor-WCA8070 Inside Message You have shared your faith and wisdom through my spiritual journey. God bless you for your guidance and caring support.
Welcome To Our Church RCIA Greeting Card 11-3283 Inside Message: We look forward to you joining our community and sharing our faith. May God bless you.
Welcome To Our Church RCIA Greeting Card 11-4010 Inside Message: May this be a time of making new friends, growing on Christ, sharing in God's love Welcome!
Welcome To The Church card-MA-980 RCIA Greeting Card Inside Message: with warmth and prayers we welcome you into our family of faith

Mosack's has a wider variety in stock, ready for you. While we keep adding more product to our ever-growing site, please contact us for availability of other Christian Greeting Cards. We look forward to serving you!

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Christian Greeting Cards, Catholic Greeting Cards, Ordination Greeting Cards, Baptism Greeting Cards, Jubilee Greeting Cards, First Holy Communion Greeting Cards, Confirmation Greeting Cards, As you Take Your Vows Greeting Cards, First Reconciliation Greeting Cards, Christian Sympathy Greeting Cards, Christian Birthday Greeting Cards, New Assignment Greeting Cards, First Mass Greeting Cards

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