~ Proud Clients Sharing Devotional Displays


Holy Week Life of Christ Scenes

It’s always lovely when our customers share their Life of Christ scenes created with beautiful Fontanini figurines. Dan M. has sent us pictures of the gorgeous scenes he created for Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. His creativity and ingenuity for adding special touches to each scene add to their beauty. This year he “picked little purple crocus flower growing wildly in the grass in my back yard” to give his set an extra pop of color with the beauty of nature.

Many of his pieces have been in his collection for over a decade. He writes fondly of the little donkey he uses every year and has used for 14 years now. He cuts strips of fabric, adds extra paint, even uses special lighting to bring each scene to life. His resurrection scene comes with a moveable stone to announce to the world that “He is risen.” Dan has been gracious enough to share images of his scenes for everyone to see.

Dan’s passion for creating such memorable scenes is inspiring. At Mosack’s, we are uplifted by our customers and dedicated to stocking the latest figurines from Fontanini to help the people in our community celebrate and spread the word of our Lord.