The Chosen

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Experience The Chosen’s two Christmas specials now woven together into one seamless story about Jesus’ birth.
A nine-week devotional Bible study for students who long to know more about who they are in Christ, how to follow Him in light of that knowledge, and how to let Jesus lead them in their interactions with those around them.
Blessed Are the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups based on season 2 of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen
A lightweight, glossy auto tag with The Chosen branding
God’s Goodness for the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups based on season 4 of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen
A charming children's book about a little girl who meets Jesus and is captivated by His kindness, sense of humor, and availability—and then brings all her friends to meet Him too.
Like The Chosen itself, we hope you enjoy completing this picture with a good friend or loved one—and that it provides opportunities for some really meaningful talks along the way.
"The Chosen Book Four: 40 Days with Jesus" by Kristin Hendricks with Amanda and Dallas Jenkins - 9781424563906
"The Chosen Book Three: 40 Days with Jesus" by Kristin Hendricks with Amanda and Dallas Jenkins - 9781424563883
Love The Chosen®? Then you no doubt love the visual experience that beautifully portrays and serves the greatest story ever told.
Love The Chosen? Then you no doubt love the visual experience that beautifully portrays and serves the greatest story ever told.
A novel based on Season 1 of the critically acclaimed TV series
Beyond retelling the familiar accounts, Upon This Rock sees Simon become Peter and takes us to the innermost thoughts of the major players in the greatest story ever told.
The Way of the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups based on season 3 of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen

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