"Action" by Mark Link, S.J.

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LIMITED QUANTITIES IN STOCK. Call before ordering. Action: Year C: Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way by Mark Link is the third book of the Vision Program and is based on the common Lectionary for Year C.

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LIMITED QUANTITIES IN STOCK.  Please call before ordering.  This book is currently out of print with not set date when it might be available again.  Action: Year C: Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way by Mark Link is the third book of the Vision Program and is based on the common Lectionary for Year C. In addition, Action: Year C: Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way by Mark Link is ideal method for praying Scripture in a contemporary way. Action: Year C: Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way by Mark Link is a perfect enhancement to prayer life.

Mark Link, SJ, has written or edited more than 20 books, and is one of the best-selling Jesuit writers of the modern era.
If a book sells more than 20,000 copies within its first 12 months of publication, that book is within the top one percent of all book sales in every category. Mark Link, a quiet and unassuming Jesuit, is responsible for book sales in excess of 10 million copies.