Divine Mercy Bookmark-BKMK14
This Divine Mercy Bookmark reads "Jesus, I trust in You." On the back are directions on praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.
Picture Book of Saints, Catholic Book Pub. The Picture Book of Saints by Catholic Book Pub Co. contains major historical Saints and features a white or maroon padded cover imprinted with gold lettering. Can be Personalized with EMBOSSED NAME. 60-9780899422336; 235/13BG_ 9780899422329; 235/13W $18.95
Divine Mercy Bracelet, BVP018DM Divine Mercy Bracelet BVP018DM. This bracelet is bronze in color with pictures of Jesus, the Divine Mercy and Sr. Faustina centered in the middle. Six rhinestones are connecting the two round pictures. BVP018DM $16.88
Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplet Pamphlet 9781596140363 LFMCN This 10-panel Novena is written according to the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska (Diary 1209-1229). QUANTITY DISCOUNT $0.45
Divine Mercy Novena and Prayers (12-2432-123) This Divine Mercy Novena and Prayer Book contains nine days of prayer and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. $4.00