Kenny Dallas has been a high school football coach for over 20 years and currently serves as the head football coach at Trinity Christian School in Sharpsburg, Georgia. Kenny's greatest desire is to live a life that truly matters--one that is intentionally focused on his relationship with the Lord, his relationship with his family, and the impact he has on all those the Lord puts in His path.
Tim Sexton serves as Pastor of Men's Discipleship at Eagles Landing Baptist Church. Tim's one goal in ministry now is to help people see the difference between pursuing an outward, polished image that will appease the supposedly angry God and impress everyone else, and being transformed by the gospel from the inside out.
David C Cook Publisher
Acknowledgments 13
A Foreword from Mark Hall of Casting Crowns 15
A Word from Kenny and Tim before You Begin 19
1. Painting the Picture 23
M46 Dads Challenge One 29
Kenny's Story: The Blessing in Brokenness 30
2. Starting at the Finish Line 43
M46 Dads Challenge Two 53
Tim's Story: Heart of the Child, Heart of the Father 55
Part One: Father
3. The Father's Covenant 69
M46 Dads Challenge Three 82
Todd and Zack's M46 Moment: Fighting for Love,
Not Perfection 83
4. Religious Pursuit vs. Gospel Transformation 87
M46 Dads Challenge Four 105
Les's M46 Moment: The Gospel of Grace 107
5. Love, Acceptance, Worth, and Security 109
M46 Dads Challenge Five 119
Robbie's M46 Moment: Father's Sacrifice 120
Part Two: Family
6. The Four Dads 125
M46 Dads Challenge Six 139
Quincy's M46 Moment: The Art of Listening 140
7. The Cup 143
M46 Dads Challenge Seven 151
Mike's M46 Moment: Rekindled Hope 153
8. Encouragement vs. Exasperation 155
M46 Dads Challenge Eight 170
Everett's M46 Moment: A Grandfather's Challenge 172
Part Three: Field
9. The Battle Cry 177
M46 Dads Challenge Nine 191
Drew's M46 Moment: Live Every Day for What Matters 193
10. Becoming a Reconciling Rhino 197
M46 Dads Challenge Ten 210
Your M46 Moment: Fighting for the Hearts of Your Kids 213
Epilogue: Charge Forward 215
Notes 219
Bible Credits 221