Figure Skating Laminated Holy Card 477-FSKATE
Figure Skating Laminated Holy Card 477-FSKATE This Figure Skating Laminated Holy Card 477-FSKATE is a laminated sports holy card with a person’s foot on a skate. Jesus is behind the athlete guiding them. Right below the picture it reads “Know that I am Always with You” Matthew 28:20
On the back of the card is a beautiful prayer tilted Always With You;
Dear God our Father hold me to wisely use the gifts and talents that you have so graciously bestowed upon me.
Create in me Dear Lord; The right attitude to which excel in any endower. A firm belief in You, Our Savior, that through You I can do great things. A strong desire to never quit, no matter what the odds. A willingness to give 100% pf myself to You and to Others at all Times.
Dear Lord bestow in me a true understanding that, with You beside me, there is no end to what I can achieve. Amen.
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