Sports Gymnastic Laminated Holy Card 477-GYMNASTIC PRAYER CARD
This Gymnastic Sports Holy Card 477-GYMNASTIC PRAYER CARD, is a laminated sports holy card with a gymnast who has her back facing towards those looking at the picture. Directly behind her is Jesus, with his hand on the gymnast's shoulder. Right below the picture it reads “Know that I am Always with You” Matthew 28:20
On the back of the card is a beautiful prayer tilted Always With You;
Dear God our Father hold me to wisely use the gifts and talents that you have so graciously bestowed upon me.
Create in me Dear Lord; The right attitude to which excel in any endower. A firm belief in You, Our Savior, that through You I can do great things. A strong desire to never quit, no matter what the odds. A willingness to give 100% pf myself to You and to Others at all Times.
Dear Lord bestow in me a true understanding that, with You beside me, there is no end to what I can achieve. Amen.
Sports Gymnastic Laminated Holy Card 477-GYMNASTIC PRAYER CARD