Joseph's Studio Our Lady Of Guadalupe Framed Art 27" 20-66454


Joseph's Studio Our Lady Of Guadalupe Framed Art 27" 20-66454 Reproduction of oil painting

Joseph's Studio Our Lady Of Guadalupe Framed Art 27-1/4" High 20-66454

Joseph's Studio Our Lady Of Guadalupe is done on MDF medium density fiberboard in Framed Art style

Remarkable reproductions of oil paintings are a new addition to the Joseph’s Studio line. These vibrant prints are tastefully framed creating a traditional masterpiece. Joseph’s Studio captures the art found in Renaissance paintings and sculpture in rich detail. The Renaissance was a time when art became a valuable form of knowledge and record of history, especially of God and His creations. The Renaissance Collection by Joseph’s Studio pays tribute to this period with distinctive religious pieces that are perfect in style and proportion. Joseph’s Studio Collection of saints, angels, nativities, and other religious images is highly regarded in the industry.

Joseph's Studio Our Lady Of Guadalupe Framed Art 27-1/4" High 20-66454