Little Rock Catholic Study Bible 108-9780814636480

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Valuable information in the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible is offered in small notes and inserts that accompany the Bible texts as well as in expanded essays, articles, and graphics in the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible.


Open the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible and feel at home with the Word of God. Through accessibly written information and engaging visuals that highlight and clarify significant areas of Scripture, readers will easily gain an understanding of these ancient texts that can be carried into today's world. Using the authorized translation in the New American Bible Revised Edition, this Little Rock Catholic Study Bible lasting volume is ideal for both personal use and group Bible study.

Valuable information in the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible is offered in small notes and inserts that accompany the Bible texts as well as in expanded essays, articles, and graphics.

Key symbols in the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible help readers quickly identify the type of information they need, such as:

  • Explanations
  • Definitions
  • Dates
  • Character and author profiles
  • Archaeological insights
  • Personal prayer starters
  • Insights connecting Scripture and its use in today's church

The Little Rock Catholic Study Bible has colorful maps, timelines, photographs, and charts to further enhance the study experience.

Longer articles in the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible are dedicated to explaining the study Bible fundamentals, the Catholic Church's use of the Bible, and the people and places of the biblical world.