Luminous 6" Stations of the Cross Crucifix 185-1741AL

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Luminous 6 Inch Stations of the Cross Crucifix 185-1741AL is a beautiful inexpensive plastic crucifix with the Stations of the Cross carved on the cross that glows in the dark QUANTITY PRICING

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Luminous 6" Stations of the Cross Crucifix 185-1741AL - this inexpensive plastic crucifix has a carved effect to it with the appearance of carvings on the crucifix.

The carvings are of the 14 Stations of the Cross. The whole crucifix is luminous and glows in the dark after being exposed to the light.

This crucifix hangs on the wall and is a constant reminder of the sufferings that our Lord underwent to save us from our sins, because of His love for us.

Luminous 6" Stations of the Cross Crucifix 185-1741AL