Meditation Instrumentals Volume 1 by Jack Heinzl, presents music artist Jack Heinzl who has composed 18 original instrumental works on this album regarding the Trinity, The Old Testament and The New Testament. The album includes sampled sounds of harp, strings, piano, violin, brass, flute and bells.
Meditation Instrumentals Vol. 1 by Jack Heinzl has 49 minutes of relaxing instrumentals with these title selections:
- The Peaceful Quiet
- Loving Father
- Son of Man
- The Paraclete
- Ark of the Covenant
- Tower of David
- Tower of Ivory
- House of Gold
- The Carpenter's Son
- Mirror of Justice
- Seat of Wisdom
- Cause of Our Joy
- Spiritual Vessel
- Vessel of Honor
- The visitation
- The Presentaiton
- The Coronation
- Jubilation
Meditation Instrumentals Volume 1 by Jack Heinzl is a great tool for prayer and meditation.