Remembrance Book by RCL Benziger 347-9780782907681

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Catechumens and candidates use the Remembrance Book (RCIA) by RCL Benziger as a tool for ongoing conversion as they record, journal, and deepen their spiritual experience. FREE SHIPPING on $100.00 orders


Catechumens and candidates use the Remembrance Book (RCIA) by RCL Benziger as a tool for ongoing conversion as they record, journal, and deepen their spiritual experience.

A treasury of Catholic prayers and practices is included in the Remembrance Book (RCIA) by RCL Benziger and authored by:

  • Carol Gura
  • Bob Duggan
  • Rita Ferrone
  • Gael Gensler
  • Steve Lanza
  • Donna Steffen

The 207 page Remembrance Book (RCIA) by RCL Benziger is the perfect gift for Catechumens and candidates.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Significant People and Special Moments
  • Journeying Through the Seasons
  1. The Season of Advent
  2. The Season of Christmas
  3. The Season of Lent
  4. The Season of Easter
  5. Ordinary Time
  • Steps on the Journey
  1. Preparing for the Rite of Acceptance
  2. Reflecting on the Rite of Acceptance
  3. Preparing for the Rite of Election.
  4. Reflecting on the Rite of Election
  5. Reflecting on the First Scrutiny
  6. Reflecting on the Second Scrutiny
  7. Reflecting on the Third Scrutiny
  8. Preparing for Baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist
  9. Reflecting on Initiation
  • Treasures of the Catholic Tradition
  1. Traditional Prayers
  2. Prayers of the Saints
  3. Catholic Information
  • Resources
  • Acknowledgments

Remembrance Book Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults reflects the new revision of the Roman Missal

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