Sacrament Of Charity by Pope Benedict XVI

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Sacrament Of Charity a Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Benedict XVI reveals that the sacrament of charity, the Holy Eucharist, is the gift that Jesus Christ makes of himself, thus revealing to us God’s infinite love for every man and woman.


Sacrament Of Charity by Pope Benedict XVI reveals that the sacrament of charity, the Holy Eucharist, is the gift that Jesus Christ makes of himself, thus revealing to us God’s infinite love for every man and woman. This wondrous sacrament makes manifest that “greater love” which led him to “lay down his life for his friends” (Jn 15:13). Jesus did indeed love them “to the end (Jn 13:1). Sacrament Of Charity by Pope Benedict XVI seeks to take up the richness and variety of the reflections and proposals which emerged from the recent Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Sacrament Of Charity by Pope Benedict XVI also reveals that the incarnate God draws all of us to himself through the Eucharist.