The Living Mass: Changes to the Roman Missal and How We Worship 9780764820076 provides insight into the history of the development of the Roman Missal from early Church times, through the Middle Ages, through the different Church councils, and up to the present day.
Written by Fr. Heliodoro Lucatero, The Living Mass is a comparison of the new translation with the one currently in use. Both the presider's texts and the assembly's texts will be addressed. This book provides easy-to-understand answers to the following:
- Why is there a new translation?
- Why are changes being made?
- Who makes those changes and what criteria do they use?
- What are the actual changes?
By looking at the changes being made in the new translation of the Roman missal, this book will help the reader understand why our liturgy continues to be both a new tradition and a living tradition.
The Living Mass: Changes to the Roman Missal and How We Worship 9780764820076, 5 1/8 x 7 3/8, 96 pages.