When the Righteous Rule: Bible Positions on Political Issues Hagee, John

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It is time for every Christian to stand up, be counted, and be educated on the issues that concern the moral fiber of our country and the future of our families.


It is time for every Christian to stand up, be counted, and be educated on the issues that concern the moral fiber of our country and the future of our families. In When the Righteous Rule: Bible Positions on Political Issues, Pastor Hagee gives insight and educates you on the Bible's position of various political issues you will face in the voting booth.

It is time to do more than stand on a soapbox and complain. Take a stand for righteousness. Register to vote. Vote our Christian beliefs. We must help take our nation back to the God of our fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We will not be acknowledged for the problems we recognize, but for the problems we help solve.