Book Of Gospels Holder 8-RU149 Book Of Gospels Holder-RU149. Vertical Book Stand handcrafted from Plexiglass with polished beveled edges. 2-3/16" opening to fit larger books. FREE SHIPPING on $100. Orders $70.00
Book Of Gospels Holder-RU146 Book Of Gospels Holder-RU146. Vertical Book Stand handcrafted from Plexiglass with polished beveled edges. 1-3/4" opening that fits Midwest, OSV and 2nd print Catholic Book edition Book of the Gospels FREE SHIPPING on $100. orders $70.00
Easel Stand Book Holder 8-RU151 Plexiglas Easel Stand Book Holder 8-RU151. Hand formed with polished beveled edges 10" x 6" 1-7/16" opening fits Midwest-OSV Book of the Gospels FREE SHIPPING on $100. orders $65.00
Missal Stand Book Holder 8-RU130 Missal Stand Book Holder 8-RU130 for the New Roman Missal, Book of the Gospels and Bible. Hand formed of clear 1/4" Plexiglas with a 10" x 17.5" top and 6" height. FREE SHIPPING on $100. orders $85.00
Slabbinck Alb with Beige Lace in Greco Fabric, Style 73 This Slabbinck Alb Style 73 comes in beige Greco fabric with three inserted rows of beige lace. $795.00
Leather Altar Edition Third Edition Roman Missal, 55/13 Genuine Leather Altar version of the new Roman Missal Third Edition from Catholic Book measures 8 1/2" x 11" with 14-pt. typeface at Mosack's 55/13 $215.00
Long-Burning 100% Beeswax Altar Candle Short 6's SFE, 7/8" x 8" Long-burning 7/8" x 8" Cathedral Brand Short 6's Candles made of 100% Beeswax with Self-Fitting Ends; 36 per 6 lb. box. FREE SHIPPING $132.40
Pyx Gold Plate 7 Host Basket Weave design Lamb 2-1/4 x 1/2" -3281G Alviti This is a 24 Kt Gold Plate Basket Weave Pyx With Silver Lamb of God Design and a 7 Host capacity by Alviti Creations 3281G 2-1/4 x 1/2" Made in USA $58.00