Preacher's Night Before Christmas by Steven L. Layne is a book for ordinary folks with whom the true meaning of Christmas can get lost in the shuffle of December with manic shopping, travel, and party planning. Even mindful, practicing Christians like Pastor McDougall at Spring Lane Creek Church can get overwhelmed by the details of Christmas services and temporarily lose sight of the real celebration that is Christ is birthday.
In Preacher's Night Before Christmas by Steven L. Layne, the Christmas Eve service is about to be performed at Spring Lane Creek Church, yet the last-minute rehearsal reveals several glitches. Poor Pastor McDougall finds himself in the middle of arguments, tears, and temper tantrums from his congregation. Between disagreements over the perfect child to play baby Jesus, the choir's dislike of their robes, and the copy machine breakdown, even the most faithful have become frustrated. Enter Saint Nick. With a Bible in hand, he encourages Pastor McDougall to take some quiet time to revisit the passages that will remind him what Christmas is truly about. Moments later, revived by the lessons of the Good Book, Pastor McDougall returns to his congregation to inspire the same in them. Miraculously, they are already transformed. Smiling through their tears, they apologize for their behavior and rejoice in the glorious significance of Christmas.
Preacher's Night Before Christmas by Steven L. Layne is a heart-warming book.