Rejoice In The Lord ... The Sacraments Of Initiation RCIA Card -CL1782

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Rejoice In The Lord As You Receive The Sacraments Of Initiation RCIA Greeting Card -CL1782 Inside Message Congratulations! And welcome into the communion of God's people.


Rejoice In The Lord As You Receive The Sacraments Of Initiation RCIA Greeting Card -CL1782  RCIA Full Initiation Greeting Card

Inside Message on this RCIA Greeting Card:  Congratulations! And welcome into the communion of God's people.

This RCIA Full Initiation Greeting Card contains the scripture verse from Romans 12:5.

The Printery House is an apostolic work of the monks and employees of Conception Abbey, a Benedictine monastery situated in the rolling farmlands of northwest Missouri.  Mission is to proclaim the Gospel and share the Christian faith through the creation and distribution of printed products and contemporary religious art.

Rejoice In The Lord As You Receive The Sacraments Of Initiation RCIA Greeting Card -CL1782