Sacra Pagina: Colossians and Ephesians written by Margaret Y. MacDonald and Donald P. Senior is a biblical commentary edited by Daniel J. Harrington, S.J. and Donald P. Senior. This book is published by Liturgical Press, #9780814658192.
In Colossians and Ephesians of the Saga Pagina series of bible commentaries MacDonald unravels the nature of the relationship between Colossians and Ephesians, highlighting their distinct perspectives by drawing upon insights from sociology and cultural anthropology.
The Sacra Pagina (“Sacred Page”) series presents fresh translations and modern expositions of all the books of the New Testament. Written by an international team of Catholic biblical scholars, it is intended for biblical professionals, graduate students, theologians, clergy, and religious educators. The volumes present basic introductory information and close exposition, adopting specific methodological perspectives while maintaining a focus on the issues raised by the New Testament compositions themselves.
The goal of Sacra Pagina is to provide sound, critical analysis without any loss of sensitivity to religious meaning. This series is therefore catholic in two senses of the word: inclusive in its methods and perspectives, and shaped by the context of the Catholic tradition.
Sacra Pagina: Colossians and Ephesians Hardcover #9780814658192