Self-Lite Charcoal Briquettes, 100 per box

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Slow-burning Self-Lite Charcoal Briquettes light immediately when touched by flame. One box contains 20 foil wrapped briquettes bundles of 5 each or 100 total Briquettes. Quantity Discount. THIS PRODUCT is BACK ORDERED - Please Call Before Ordering!!!!

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THIS PRODUCT is BACK ORDERED - Please Call Before Ordering!!!!
Slow-burning Self-Lite Charcoal Briquettes light immediately when touched by flame. One box of Self-Lite Charcoal Briquettes contains 20 foild wrapped bundles of 5 briquettes (100 total Charcoal Briquettes).

Each Self-Lite Charcoal Briquette has an unusual "star saucer" shape especially designed for liturgical use. It holds the incense in place and prevents it from rolling off during censing. Self-Lite Charcoal Briquette stay lit, even in wind. They burn slowly and consistently for 30 minutes or more.

Self-Lite Charcoal Briquettes, 100 per box