The Way of Salvation and of Perfection

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The Way of Salvation and of Perfection by St. Alphonsus De Liguori is a spiritually uplifting book. This holy saint tells us: "An act of contrition and of love makes us friends of God."


In The Way of Salvation and of Perfection by St. Alphonsus De Liguori Saint Alphonsus tells us a good story:

"If a traveler, on his journey to his own country; were to stop and spend his all in building a palace in a land through which he ought only to pass, and neglect to provide a dwelling for himself in that country in which he was to reside his whole life, he would be thought mad.  And must not the Christian be deemed mad who think only of gratifying himself in this world, through which, he has only to pass during a few days, and heeds not the danger of being miserable in the next, where he must live forever, as long as God shall be God?"

This holy saint tells us: "An act of contrition and of love makes us friends of God."  He then warns: "St. Teresa said that all sins had their origin in a want of faith." Let us consider this well and then heed his advice: "Therefore, in order to overcome our passions and temptations, we ought constantly to revive our faith by saying: I believe the life everlasting. I believe that after this life, which will soon be ended, there is an eternal life, either full of joys, or full of pains, which will befall me, according to my merits or demerits."

Let us consider these six rules to become a saint and we are all called to become saints: "If, then, we truly desire to become saints, let us resolve: "

1. To avoid every venial sin, however slight.

2. To detach ourselves from every earthly desire.

3. Let us not cease OUI- accustomed. exercises of prayer and mortification, however great may be the weariness and dryness we feel in them.

4. Let us meditate daily on the Passion of Jesus Christ, which inflames with divine love every heart that meditates upon it.

5. Let us resign ourselves in peace to the will of God in all things that trouble us, as Father Balthazar Alvarez said, "He that in troubles resigns himself to the divine will, runs to God as swift as by a post."

6. Let us continually beg of God the gift of his holy love.

The Way of Salvation and of Perfection by St. Alphonsus De Liguori is a spiritually uplifting book. All Catholics should read The Way of Salvation and of Perfection by St. Alphonsus De Liguori.